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Most common answers if you are stuck!
You will need to uninstall and re-install the Genius Sheets add-in. This means your sheet is no longer recognizing the Genius Sheets custom formulas. For Excel go to- File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Trusted Add-in Catalogs. Select the checkbox Next time Office starts, clear all previously-started web add-ins cache.
On the dashboard page of the website you can add additional QuickBooks Online connections.
Always double check that the account you are referencing is the exact name from QuickBooks Online
This happens when you first log in to a spreadsheet and Excel is still loading. Try clicking into a new cell in the workbook and these should disappear
The add-in is only available for newer Microsoft Excel file extensions. Save the current file you are using as an “.xlsx” file. Once it saves, close the file, and then re-open it with the new extension. The Genius Sheets logo should re-appear.
A subscription to the latest version of Office 365 is required in order to be able to use Genius Sheets.